Miq Documentation



$() Returns an empty documentFragment, a lightweight container for DOM elements. See below.
$(function) Runs function when the DOM content is loaded.
$(Element) Creates a collection containing one DOM element.
$(NodeList) Creates a collection containing the DOM elements.
$("<element>") Creates a collection containing one created DOM element.
$("<element>", context) Creates a collection containing one created DOM element within context.
$(cssSelector) Creates a collection containing the DOM elements matching the selector.
$(cssSelector, context) Creates a collection containing the DOM elements matching the selector within context.


Collection.addClass(className) Adds a class to all elements in the collection.


Collection.append(Collection2) Adds a collection(2) to the collection.


Collection.attr(attribute) Returns the attribute of the first element in the collection.
Collection.attr(attribute, value) Set the attribute to value for all elements in the collection.


Collection.before(element) Inserts element before the first element in the collection.


Collection.clone() Returns a clone of the first element in the collection.


Collection.closest(cssSelector) Returns the first parent of the first element in the collection matching the cssSelector.


Collection.css(property) Returns the css property of the first element in the collection.
Collection.css(property, value) Set the css property to value for all elements in the collection.


Collection.eq() Returns the first element as a new collection.
Collection.eq(index) Returns the element on position index as a new collection.


Collection.find(cssSelector) Returns all children matching cssSelector.


Collection.first Returns first Element from the collection.


Collection.hasClass(className) Returns whether the first element of the collection has class className.


Collection.html() Returns the HTML code of the first element of the collection.
Collection.html(htmlString) Sets the HTML of all elements in the collection the htmlString.


Collection.is(cssSelector) Returns all elements in the collection matching cssSelector.


Collection.off(event, function) Turns off the event listener function for event.


Collection.on(event, function) Turns on the event listener function for event.


Collection.parent() Returns the first parent of the first element of the collection.


Collection.prop(property) Returns the proprty of the first element in the collection.
Collection.prop(property, value) Sets the property of all elements in the collection to value.


Collection.remove() Removes all elements in the collection from the DOM.


Collection.removeAttr(attribute) Removes attribute from all elements in the collection.


Collection.removeClass(className) Removes class className from all elements in the collection.


Collection.text() Returns the inner text of the first element of the collection.
Collection.text(textString) Sets the inner text of all elements in the collection the htmlString.


Collection.val() Returns the value of the form element that is first in the collection.
Collection.val(value) Sets the value of the form element that is first in the collection.


$.ajax(url, options) Performs an Ajax request to url with options.
method: the method to use, defaults to ‘GET’.
dataType: “xml”, “json” or “text” (default).
headers: headers to send in the request.
Returns: promise with the returned data or error code when failed. See below for an example.


$.ajaxCallback(url, resolve, reject, options) See $.ajax(). Instead of returning a promise, one of the functions resolve or reject is called.


$.miq Returns semantic version string of miq.

In addition to the functions above, miq inherits all functionality of Array. Some interesting functionality is:


Collection.length Returns the number of elements in the collection.


$(Collection.filter(function)) Retuns a new collection with only the elements filtered by function


Collection.map(function) Performs a function on all elements in the collection and returns the result.


$(Collection.concat(collection2)) Retuns collection combined with collection2.

See MDN Array reference for all Array properties and functions.

Differences from jQuery

Although the functions in miq are very similar to the ones in jQuery, miq adds a couple of improvements.

Array functions

As can be seen in de documentation above, miq inherits all the functionality of Array. Be aware the Array functions do not return miq collections. Run $(result) to get a miq collection.


var mailLinks = $( $('a').filter(function(el) {
    return $(el).attr('href').substr(0, 7) == 'mailto:';


$() will return an empty documentFragment. A documentFragment is a lightweight container of DOM nodes. See also documentFragment on MDN.


var fragment = $();


Using Ajax with promises has several advantages than using call backs. Modern browsers already support promises. If you need to support older browsers without promises, you can use a polyfill like native-promise-only.

var promise = $.ajax('data.json', {dataType: 'json'});
promise.then(function(data) {
promise.catch(function(errCode) {

Example code

Look at the source code of the unit tests to see what’s possible with miq.


Miq is copyright 2016 Edwin Martin and released under the MIT license.

Edwin Martin <edwin@bitstorm.org>